Fashion Merchandising | Middle Tennessee State University

Gerard Ortiz

Human Sciences 


Gina Pisut, interim program coordinator
[email protected]

The major in Textiles, Merchandising, and Design (TXMD) leads to entry-level career opportunities in fashion-related industries and requires the selection of one concentration from the two available: Apparel Design and Fashion Merchandising. Textiles, Merchandising, and Design majors and minors must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all TXMD courses. Students earning a D or F will be required to repeat the course before being allowed to advance in the program.

The Textiles, Merchandising, and Design program consists of four academic years. Students enter the program as Textiles, Merchandising, and Design majors or minors and must complete the first 30 credit hours of the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design curriculum consisting of General Education courses and Textiles, Merchandising, and Design pre-admission required courses. Students then apply for admission to the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design professional sequence of courses. When a student applies for admission, is accepted, and becomes enrolled, he/she is then classified as a TXMD major or minor admitted to the program and can then progress in required TXMD professional sequence courses.

The number of students accepted into the TXMD program is limited, making the application process competitive.

Textiles, Merchandising, and Design students enrolled in the University and pursuing the first two semesters of the curriculum should maintain a minimum 2.50 cumulative weighted grade point average and are required to earn no less than a C (2.00) in any prerequisite course.

A concentration in Fashion Merchandising emphasizes the business functions of the promotion and sale of fashions in the retail sector and synchronization with the design, production, and retail functions in the manufacturing sector of the fashion industry. In addition to the major and concentration, a minor in one of the following areas is required: Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, French, Management, Marketing, Mass Communication, or Spanish.

Academic Map

Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:

Textiles, Merchandising, and Design, Fashion Merchandising, B.S., Academic Map  

Admission and Progression

Admission into the Professional Course Sequence (Candidacy)

  1. Any student formally admitted to the University may pursue the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design (TXMD) curriculum.
  2. Applicants are guaranteed admission to the Fashion Merchandising Concentration of the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design Program provided they
  • have a minimum ACT score of 23 (or SAT equivalent);
  • have a cumulative undergraduate college GPA of 3.0 or higher; and
  • have completed each of the following courses with a grade of C (2.00) or better:

Depending on space and available resources, additional students may be admitted on a competitive basis. Admission will be based on ACT/SAT score (25{05995459f63506108ab777298873a64e11d6b9d8e449f5580a59254103ec4a63} weight) and cumulative undergraduate GPA (75{05995459f63506108ab777298873a64e11d6b9d8e449f5580a59254103ec4a63} weight) and completion of all prerequisite courses with grade of C (2.00) or better.

Note: Students with less than a 2.50 cumulative GPA are not eligible for admission to the sequence of professional courses.

Professional Course Sequence

  1. An application form must be submitted to the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design program during the semester prior to beginning the Professional Course Sequence.
  2. Transcript validation of all prerequisite courses must be on file in the MTSU Records Office.
  3. A cumulative undergraduate college weighted grade point average of 2.50 is required for eligibility in the TXMD program.
  4. Applicants must have no grade less than a C (2.00) in any pre-admissions required courses before entering the Professional Course Sequence.
  5. Scores from a standardized examination (ACT/SAT) along with the college grade point average will be used to rank candidates for progression to the Professional Course Sequence.
  6. Students must attain a minimum grade of C (2.00) in all Textiles, Merchandising, and Design courses.
  7. Students may repeat a course only once to earn a minimum grade of C (2.00).
  8. Students may repeat a maximum of two course (major or prerequisite).
  9. Failure of more than two TXMD courses will result in dismissal from the program. A failing grade is defined as receiving a grade of less than C (2.00).
  10. Students will be dismissed from the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design major if they
    1. commit a breach of ethics or gross professional negligence,
    2. fail to progress due to unsuccessful attainment of requirements. Students who fail to progress will be readmitted on a space-available basis. Only one readmission for failure to progress will be allowed.
    3. For transfer students who are admitted into the TXMD program, a grade of D/F from another school counts as the first “failing” attempt and the next incidence of D/F, in any TXMD course at MTSU, counts as the second incident, thus resulting in dismissal from the program. (See item 7 above.)
  11. If a student receives a D or F in a Textiles, Merchandising, and Design course at MTSU, he/she must repeat that course at MTSU.
  12. Readmission to the program for any returning TXMD major who left the University in good standing will be granted on a space-available basis.
  13. Textiles, Merchandising, and Design students are expected to seek advising each semester to ensure that they are following the proper sequence for completion of the prerequisite courses.
  14. Further specific details regarding admission and progression are available from the coordinator of the Textiles, Merchandising, and Design program.

Degree Requirements

General Education 41 hours
Major Requirements 45 hours
Professional Education 14 hours
Minor 15-18 hours
Electives 2-5 hours
TOTAL 120 hours

General Education (41 hours)

General Education requirements include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.

Major Requirements (45 hours)

  • TXMD 1110 – Apparel Foundations Applications

    3 credit hours

    Studio course that applies the elements and principles of design, aesthetics, and problem solving within the framework of apparel design and fashion merchandising. Basic introductory sewing techniques included to apply design fundamentals to fabric. Meets five hours per week.

  • TXMD 1170 – Introduction to the Fashion Industry

    3 credit hours

    How the fashion world operates from planning stages to consumer. Emphasis on production and distribution of fashion goods, current trends, and technological developments.

  • TXMD 2110 – Fashion Forecasting

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 and TXMD 2181 with C or better. Explores forecasting frameworks and theories for explaining fashion dynamics. Application of forecasting techniques to project future change.

  • TXMD 2180 – Textiles I

    3 credit hours

    Corequisite: TXMD 2181. An overview of the textile industry including fibers, yarns, fabric construction, dyeing/printing techniques, and finishes. Emphasis placed on the selection of textile products in relation to end use. Includes labwork involving physical testing. Lecture meets two hours per week; lab meets two hours per week.

  • TXMD 2200 – History of Fashion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181. Survey of clothing and design from ancient to modern periods; consideration given to social, economic, and cultural conditions reflected in dress. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 3170 – Fashion Branding

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 with C or better. Principles underlying the fashion process and the study of fashion branding. Special emphasis on the dissemination of fashion throughout the world market and to the fashion designers and business leaders in the fashion world today. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4100 – Fashion Promotion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 4170 or TXMD 4320 with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). An overview of the sales promotion process in relation to the fashion industry; emphasis on advertising, visual merchandising, special events, and fashion show production. Offered once per year.

  • TXMD 4150 – Fashion Buying

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 3170, ACTG 2110 or ACTG 3000 (all with C or better), senior standing (90 credit hours). Principles of marketing, retailing, and sales as they apply to the merchandising of fashion goods. Special emphasis on fashion buying, planning, control, and computer applications for apparel businesses. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4170 – Cultural and Social Aspects of Dress

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Senior standing (90 credit hours) and completion of Soc/Beh Sci General Education requirements.The interaction of sociological, psychological, economic, and cultural implications of clothing and textiles. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4220 – Computer-Aided Apparel Design I

    3 credit hours

    Uses project-based learning with computer-aided design software applicable to the apparel and textile industries to develop and use visual communication graphics appropriate for merchandising and design applications. Five hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4400 – Fashion Product Development

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 4300 or TXMD 4220 with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). Senior capstone course that requires application of skills and knowledge gained in the major coursework in a realistic industry context. Create an original product line in a team environment; design, construct, market and merchandise product line suitable to enter into a juried design competition and/or sell through a retail outlet. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • VCOM 2950 – Visual Communication Applications

    3 credit hours

    Introduces industry-standard graphics applications used for print, Web, and digital publication; discusses typography, design, and color theory; overview of publication procedures. Combined lecture/lab.

  • TXMD 3150 – Apparel Selection and Evaluation

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 with C or better. An overview of the apparel industry structure and the functions of each division. Emphasis on recognizing quality in relation to fabrication, construction, and design of garments. No construction involved. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 3300 – Apparel Construction II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 3200 with C or better. Advanced fashion problems with an emphasis on fitting and finishing. A series of half-scale sample exercise projects and full-scale garments will be completed. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

Select 6 credit hours from:

  • TXMD 3120 – Textiles II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2110, TXMD 2200, TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 (all with C or better). Studio course including research and discussion of recent developments in the textile industry regarding surface design techniques, material testing, and industry economics (including sustainability issues). Work will be completed focusing on contemporary textile industry problems related to raw materials, sourcing, distribution, retailing, and consumption. Five contact hours per week.

  • TXMD 3200 – Apparel Construction I

    3 credit hours

    Fundamental clothing construction processes necessary for advanced work in clothing, including sewing machine operation. Garment construction from a commercial pattern and quality standards. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4200 – Patternmaking I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 3300 with C or better. Adaptation of commercial sloper patterns to individual proportions, pattern designing and application of principles of design to apparel designing. Five contact hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 3370 – Fashion Illustration I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 with C or better. An overview of fashion illustration techniques allowing skill development of the fashion croquis and garments using various media techniques to communicate fashion ideas, moods, and details. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4320 – Computer Aided Apparel Design II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 4220 with C or better. Develops advanced skills using industry appropriate CAD software in a project-based learning environment. Students investigate career options and use visual communications and graphics appropriate for portfolio planning, community involvement, and industry related research and application. Five contact hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • HSC 4043 – Seminar in Human Sciences: Textiles, Merchandising, and Design

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Individual research and/or analysis of contemporary problems and issues in a concentrated area of study. For advanced students. Can be repeated for up to 9 hours.

  • HSC 4053 – Advanced Problems in Human Sciences: Textiles, Merchandising, and Design

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of department. Opportunity for advanced students to do independent study or conduct research in their areas of emphasis. Topic of study or research to be determined by student and professor prior to registration. Can be repeated for up to 9 hours.

  • HSC 4103 – Internship: Textiles, Merchandising, and Design

    6 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD candidacy; permission of department, minimum 2.50 GPA, and specific program area course requirements. Experiential learning opportunity to provide students with supervised professional work experience in their major fields. Minimum of 300 hours at internship site plus seminars.

Professional Education (14 hours)

  • CDFS 3320 – Family Relations

    3 credit hours

    Family systems, giving consideration to interpersonal relationships. The structure, function, and development of families in a changing society and in relation to other social institutions.

  • HSC 1010 – Career Orientation

    1 credit hour

    Development and scope of Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences as a profession; its wide variety of career opportunities with analysis of interests, aptitudes, proficiency, and education related to success in these areas.

  • HSC 4000 – Senior Seminar

    1 credit hour

    Prerequisites: HSC 1010 or  NFS 1010 with C or better and senior standing. Examines Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences professions from a global perspective. Identifies skills for success in developing and managing a career. Includes resume and cover letters, leadership, networking, life/work planning, and ethics and professionalism in Human Sciences fields.

  • HSC 4410 – Consumer Economics

    3 credit hours

    Study of the economic system and factors influencing consumer decisions and the marketplace; identifies social, economic, and political forces shaping consumer demands; and analyzes the influence of customs, trends, peer groups, and advertising.

  • NFS 1240 – Principles of Nutrition

    3 credit hours

    Fundamentals of normal nutrition and its relationship to health and physical fitness with emphasis on the scientific, psychological, sociological, and economic aspects of nutrition. (Credit not allowed for Nutrition and Food Sciences major.)

  • ACTG 3000 – Survey of Accounting for General Business

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Accounting cycle given minor emphasis; financial statement analysis and managerial uses of accounting given major emphasis. May be used for general business minors or M.B.A. candidates who have had no previous accounting courses. (Not open to Accounting majors and students with credit in ACTG 2110 and ACTG 2120.)

  • ACTG 2110 – Principles of Accounting I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Financial accounting for proprietorships and partnerships with emphasis on the accounting cycle for service and merchandising organizations. Additional topics include accounting for receivables; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3000.)

Minor (15-18 hours)

Minor may be selected from any of the following: Business Administration – 18 hours; Entrepreneurship – 15 hours; French – 18 hours; Marketing – 15 hours; Management – 15 hours; Mass Communication – 18 hours; or Spanish – 18 hours.

Electives (2-5 hours)

Curriculum: Textiles, Merchandising, and Design, Fashion Merchandising

Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.

Freshman Fall


  • ENGL 1010 – Expository Writing

    3 credit hours

    The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.

  • HSC 1010 – Career Orientation

    1 credit hour

    Development and scope of Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences as a profession; its wide variety of career opportunities with analysis of interests, aptitudes, proficiency, and education related to success in these areas.

  • Natural Sciences 4 credit hours
  • Mathematics 3 credit hours
  • TXMD 1110 – Apparel Foundations Applications

    3 credit hours

    Studio course that applies the elements and principles of design, aesthetics, and problem solving within the framework of apparel design and fashion merchandising. Basic introductory sewing techniques included to apply design fundamentals to fabric. Meets five hours per week.

  • TXMD 1170 – Introduction to the Fashion Industry

    3 credit hours

    How the fashion world operates from planning stages to consumer. Emphasis on production and distribution of fashion goods, current trends, and technological developments.

Subtotal: 14 Hours


Freshman Spring


  • ENGL 1020 – Research and Argumentative Writing

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.

  • Natural Sciences 4 credit hours
  • VCOM 2950 – Visual Communication Applications

    3 credit hours

    Introduces industry-standard graphics applications used for print, Web, and digital publication; discusses typography, design, and color theory; overview of publication procedures. Combined lecture/lab.


  • TXMD 1110 – Apparel Foundations Applications

    3 credit hours

    Studio course that applies the elements and principles of design, aesthetics, and problem solving within the framework of apparel design and fashion merchandising. Basic introductory sewing techniques included to apply design fundamentals to fabric. Meets five hours per week.

  • TXMD 1170 – Introduction to the Fashion Industry

    3 credit hours

    How the fashion world operates from planning stages to consumer. Emphasis on production and distribution of fashion goods, current trends, and technological developments.


  • TXMD 2180 – Textiles I

    3 credit hours

    Corequisite: TXMD 2181. An overview of the textile industry including fibers, yarns, fabric construction, dyeing/printing techniques, and finishes. Emphasis placed on the selection of textile products in relation to end use. Includes labwork involving physical testing. Lecture meets two hours per week; lab meets two hours per week.

Subtotal: 16 Hours


Sophomore Fall


  • COMM 2200 – Fundamentals of Communication

    3 credit hours

    Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025

  • Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hours
  • TXMD guided elective* 3 credit hours
  • NFS 1240 – Principles of Nutrition

    3 credit hours

    Fundamentals of normal nutrition and its relationship to health and physical fitness with emphasis on the scientific, psychological, sociological, and economic aspects of nutrition. (Credit not allowed for Nutrition and Food Sciences major.)

  • TXMD 2110 – Fashion Forecasting

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180 and TXMD 2181 with C or better. Explores forecasting frameworks and theories for explaining fashion dynamics. Application of forecasting techniques to project future change.

Subtotal: 15 Hours


Sophomore Spring


  • HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010

  • HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020

  • HIST 2030 – Tennessee History

    3 credit hours

    The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030

  • HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

    NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.

  • HIST 2050 – Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.


  • TXMD 2200 – History of Fashion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181. Survey of clothing and design from ancient to modern periods; consideration given to social, economic, and cultural conditions reflected in dress. Offered once a year.

  • Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours
  • Minor course 3 credit hours
  • Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 15 Hours


Junior Fall


  • HIST 2010 – Survey of United States History I

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010

  • HIST 2020 – Survey of United States History II

    3 credit hours

    Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020

  • HIST 2030 – Tennessee History

    3 credit hours

    The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030

  • HIST 2040 – Survey African American History I

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.

    NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.

  • HIST 2050 – Survey African American History II

    3 credit hours

    The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.


  • Minor course 3 credit hours
  • TXMD 3170 – Fashion Branding

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 with C or better. Principles underlying the fashion process and the study of fashion branding. Special emphasis on the dissemination of fashion throughout the world market and to the fashion designers and business leaders in the fashion world today. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4220 – Computer-Aided Apparel Design I

    3 credit hours

    Uses project-based learning with computer-aided design software applicable to the apparel and textile industries to develop and use visual communication graphics appropriate for merchandising and design applications. Five hours per week. Offered once a year.


  • TXMD 3150 – Apparel Selection and Evaluation

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 2180/TXMD 2181 with C or better. An overview of the apparel industry structure and the functions of each division. Emphasis on recognizing quality in relation to fabrication, construction, and design of garments. No construction involved. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 3300 – Apparel Construction II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 3200 with C or better. Advanced fashion problems with an emphasis on fitting and finishing. A series of half-scale sample exercise projects and full-scale garments will be completed. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

Subtotal: 15 Hours


Junior Spring


  • ENGL 2020 – Themes in Literature and Culture

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary.

  • ENGL 2030 – The Experience of Literature

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence.

  • HUM 2610 – World Literatures

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit.


  • CDFS 3320 – Family Relations

    3 credit hours

    Family systems, giving consideration to interpersonal relationships. The structure, function, and development of families in a changing society and in relation to other social institutions.

  • Minor 3 credit hours
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours


  • ACTG 2110 – Principles of Accounting I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Financial accounting for proprietorships and partnerships with emphasis on the accounting cycle for service and merchandising organizations. Additional topics include accounting for receivables; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities. (Not open to students with credit in ACTG 3000.)

  • ACTG 3000 – Survey of Accounting for General Business

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: A college-level math course; ENGL 1010; sophomore standing. Accounting cycle given minor emphasis; financial statement analysis and managerial uses of accounting given major emphasis. May be used for general business minors or M.B.A. candidates who have had no previous accounting courses. (Not open to Accounting majors and students with credit in ACTG 2110 and ACTG 2120.)

Subtotal: 15 Hours


Senior Fall


  • TXMD 4170 – Cultural and Social Aspects of Dress

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Senior standing (90 credit hours) and completion of Soc/Beh Sci General Education requirements.The interaction of sociological, psychological, economic, and cultural implications of clothing and textiles. Offered once a year.

  • HSC 4000 – Senior Seminar

    1 credit hour

    Prerequisites: HSC 1010 or  NFS 1010 with C or better and senior standing. Examines Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences professions from a global perspective. Identifies skills for success in developing and managing a career. Includes resume and cover letters, leadership, networking, life/work planning, and ethics and professionalism in Human Sciences fields.

  • Minor course 3 credit hours
  • TXMD guided elective* 3 credit hours
  • Minor course or elective 3 credit hours
  • HSC 4410 – Consumer Economics

    3 credit hours

    Study of the economic system and factors influencing consumer decisions and the marketplace; identifies social, economic, and political forces shaping consumer demands; and analyzes the influence of customs, trends, peer groups, and advertising.

Subtotal: 16 Hours

Senior Spring


  • TXMD 4100 – Fashion Promotion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: TXMD 4170 or TXMD 4320 with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). An overview of the sales promotion process in relation to the fashion industry; emphasis on advertising, visual merchandising, special events, and fashion show production. Offered once per year.

  • TXMD 4150 – Fashion Buying

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 3170, ACTG 2110 or ACTG 3000 (all with C or better), senior standing (90 credit hours). Principles of marketing, retailing, and sales as they apply to the merchandising of fashion goods. Special emphasis on fashion buying, planning, control, and computer applications for apparel businesses. Offered once a year.

  • TXMD 4400 – Fashion Product Development

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: TXMD 4300 or TXMD 4220 with C or better; senior standing (90 credit hours). Senior capstone course that requires application of skills and knowledge gained in the major coursework in a realistic industry context. Create an original product line in a team environment; design, construct, market and merchandise product line suitable to enter into a juried design competition and/or sell through a retail outlet. Meets five hours per week. Offered once a year.

  • Minor course 3 credit hours
  • Elective 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 15 Hours



*A total of 6 semester hours must be earned and selected from any of the following courses: TXMD 3120TXMD 3200, TXMD 4200, TXMD 3370, TXMD 4320, HSC 4043, HSC 4053, or HSC 4103.

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