The Color, Pattern and Texture of Things to Come

Gerard Ortiz

Christian Chensvold, Associate Editor | Thursday, February 9, 2023 Before any garment is given shape—long or short, baggy or slim—it begins as a piece of fabric with color, pattern and texture. And so textiles will always serve as fashion’s firm foundation even as it morphs through cycles of endless change. […]

A New York City photographer shares 3 easy tips anyone can use to find their inner style icon

Gerard Ortiz

Johnny Cirillo, the photographer driving the Instagram account @watchingnewyorkchronicles the special outfits of New York City’s most trendy individuals.Courtesy of Johnny Cirillo Photographer Johnny Cirillo has been documenting New York’s fashionistas because 2016. His account @watchingnewyork has 920,000 followers on Instagram, and almost as quite a few on TikTok. Cirillo […]