Around the Web: Problematic Print. Mail Merch. Code Complaints. Display Developments. Textile Tech. Meteorology Melee. Cream Confusion. Galaxy Gazing. Table Tournament. Gravy Grappling.

Gerard Ortiz

What is a print-based physical disability? Play the USPS’s new Great American Mail Race board game. What is the future of QR code menus? The Bigme InkNote Color brings E Ink devices closer to competing with LED-based tablets. AI illustrates lyric music videos. New graphene-based “smart textiles” hit the market. […]

DoD Announces $6.8 Million Defense Production Act Title III Agreement with Burlington Industries, LLC to Strengthen the Domestic Clothing and Textile Industrial Base

Gerard Ortiz

The Division of Defense (DOD) entered into a shared $6.8 million agreement with Burlington Industries, LLC to maintain and improve the domestic outfits and textile industrial base. The settlement extends via September 2027. Burlington Industries, LLC will devote in devices and infrastructure vital to sustain and stabilize the source chain […]